Nice guys finish….first.

‘Nice guys finish last’. If you are a nice guy then this phrase will suck for you as well. Why do nice guys need to finish last? Why do nice guys get a hard time? Below is what I think. Now, I would class myself as a nice guy. Not the most amazing guy but... Continue Reading →

Females Don’t Need Perfecting.

  Hey guys! This blog post is about female beauty and the pressure they face from the media. I am a heterosexual male, I am attracted to women. Always have. Does that mean everyone has to be? No. I am so anti-homophobic I believe that everyone has a right to be different. Growing up I... Continue Reading →

How I dealt with my break up.

Hey guys! 2017 was the first Valentines Day in six years where I had no-one to celebrate it with and you know what? Some part of me doesn’t care as I don’t agree with Valentines Day anyway! In my life I haven’t had many serious girlfriends, they have all been ones that lasted a few... Continue Reading →

Helping loved ones understand anxiety.

Trying to understand anxiety is like trying to understand why Donald duck wears a towel when he gets out of the shower but wears no pants every other time. Why? The only one that understands is Donald Duck. We have anxiety, the only people that understand are us, the anxiety sufferers. We understand it because we... Continue Reading →

Teatox Twist Review | Healthy Tea.

As people know I love my teas, whether it’s normal or herbal I just love it. One tea I have never tried though is detox tea. When I saw that Teatox Twist was looking for bloggers to review their products I thought I would jump on the chance. This delicious tea contains Oolang tea (contains caffeine), liquorice,... Continue Reading →

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